Perfect interiors for your mannequin display cabinets

Mannequin Display Showcases

The interior design of your mannequin display cabinets are a theme we’ve been seeing recently. In an effort to help boutique merchants be more successful and prosper in the digital age.
From telling the story of a brand and creating immersive experiences to showcase making utilities. Besides when it comes to retail the important thing is in the details. We want you to have the basics.

Enter the threshold

The threshold zone, also known as the “decompression zone”. It’s the first space potential customers walk into when they enter your store. It consists of the first few feet depending on how big your business is. This is also the space where your customers go from the outside world to the first experience of your store. Customers are more likely to be absent from any products, signage or cars you place there. Be creative and place your mannequin display cabinets here!

To the right

The first wall they see is often referred to as a “wall in power” and acts as a first high impact vehicle. Be sure to give it extra special attention in terms of what you choose to show your mannequin display cabinets.

Be sure to draw your customer’s attention to the products you display. Whether it’s new or seasonal elements, high profitability or high product demand. Try to tell stories about your product and create vignettes.

Create a path direct to your mannequin display cabinets

This can vary greatly depending on the size and overall design of your store. However, knowing that customers tend to go right, you should have the maximum level of exposure of your products. This not only increases the chances of making a purchase, but a path can be a great way to strategically control the flow of traffic to your store.

If you have any questions, just contact us!

Perfect mannequin display cabinets!