Tag Archives: tricks

Tricks for cleaning your showcase

Tricks for cleaning your showcase

One of the best home tricks for cleaning your glass is to mix alcohol and water. Once you have the mixture done, apply the liquid over the glass with a sponge. Next, make a ball of newspaper and rub over the surface.

Add a teaspoon of starch to half a litre of hot water. Spread the mixture over the glass and let it dry. After a while, rub the surface with vinegar-soaked newspaper. But be careful, we don’t recommend this trick for crystals that are exposed to the sun all the time.

Although it may seem incredible, rubbing half an onion on the surface of your crystals will help you get rid of any dirt.

Another way to remove the grease from the glass is to clean it with hot water, a jet of alcohol and a little ammonia. Rub the glass well with this mixture and then wipe it with a dry cloth.

A trick used by a store